"person%C4%ABgais z%C4%ABmols"

Ilze Svarena

sponsored vacancy project manager

Lasīt vairāk

The meaning of the personal brand of the manager and personnel specialist in attraction of personnel

If we speak of the matter of human resources, the power to attract and, unfortunately, also repel a particular personality is much stronger than a finely developed company logo, a thought-out job advertisement or a carefully chosen ad publishing platform. In particular, the personal brands of the manager and key people, including the personnel specialist, should be especially carefully considered in compact companies, where daily interaction between colleagues is very close, as well as in regions where available personnel resources are very limited.

Lasīt vairāk

The challenges of IT specialists recruitment and how to deal with them

The selection of Information Technology (IT) is one of the sub-lines of recruitment, which differ with the type of specialist search, communication strategy, evaluation and maintenance of professional relations.

Lasīt vairāk